Ep. 3: Edging, denying, and teasing; OH MY!

Sweet Rewards for those who wait.

Too many sweets can give you a toothache, so refrain from the sugar rush as long as you can with Katt and Jeef! With a sprinkle of Punishments, Funishments, Medieval Knights and the like, this Edging and Denial dish will have thee begging for more!

Show Notes:

[Earn Your Orgasm Spreadsheet]

  • Join our naughty endeavors and try out our edging challenge! You can play with friends or partners, a bit of friendly competition is always fun! We played for a month, but you can set your own timeframe.

  • For every day you complete a task, place a signifier (emoji, checkmark, X, etc.) in the box. Points will be automatically added (magic!)

  • As you gain points, you can either hold on to them to increase your score at the end or you can spend them on rewards of your choice. Be sure to take a moment, in the beginning, to set your intentions and discuss what your reards will be. (Template at the bottom)

  • Spending points are calculated in the same way as gaining them. Simply place your signifier in the box for the reward you have selected.

Make sure to share your progress and scores with us by reaching out to Info@kinkdiner.com or going to the “Contact Us” page. You might even get mentioned in one of our episodes!

[Most importantly, remember to have fun. Best of luck and Enjoy]


Just a friendly neighborhood Podcaster looking to spread some information.


Ep.4:ShibarI (Pt. 1 of 2)


Ep. 2: Healthy Mindset